Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Opportunity for Public Input

Saturday, December 3, 2016
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Department of Services for the Blind, Downstairs Conference Room
3411 S. Alaska Street, Seattle, WA 98118

To participate via teleconference, please call 800-379-6841 and use pin 679809, followed by the pound sign, to connect to the meeting. Participants will be in “listen mode” until Public Comment.

The Department of Services for the Blind and the State Rehabilitation Council for the Blind invite your participation and input on proposed revisions to Department Rules in the Employment and Independent Living Programs.


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 reauthorized the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and maintained funding for vocational rehabilitation activities through the Department of Services for the Blind. Within WIOA, there is an added emphasis on youth services, universal accessibility, serving communities with barriers, and effective engagement with business for all partner programs.

To comply with the many changes and new requirements of WIOA, the Department of Services for the Blind must revise the rules (Washington Administrative Code) that describe and govern the employment program. The Department is also taking this opportunity to make minor revisions to the rules (WAC) that govern the Independent Living Program and rules that govern some of the Department’s administrative functions. You will find links to documents that summarize these changes at the end of this announcement, or as attachments if you receive this announcement by email. Full versions of the WAC with proposed changes will be posted here for written comment within a few days following the public meeting. The Department may revise the proposed WAC based on public input. In January, after allowing a sufficient time for public comment, a date will be set for a public hearing, and following that hearing these proposed changes will be adopted and codified.

Attendees at the public meeting on December 3 will learn about the new requirements in WIOA and the opportunities and challenges faced by DSB in implementing these changes and requirements. All proposed changes will be discussed, and there will be opportunity for questions and comments.

Questions & Public Accommodations

The Department of Services for the Blind respects the need for a fragrance-free environment: this meeting is fragrance-free.

DSB is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for everyone who attends the meeting. If you need a reasonable accommodation to attend the meeting, please call in advance to make a request. DSB does not provide transportation to or from the meeting.

To participate via teleconference, please call 800-379-6841 and use pin 679809, followed by the pound sign, to connect to the meeting. Participants will be in “listen mode” until Public Comment.

Background Information

DSB Summary of Draft WAC Changes (.docx)