Tuesday, November 24, 2015

DSB Celebrates Customers' Successes!

Fall is the time when we look back at the year and celebrate the successes of all of our customers who completed their Vocational Rehabilitation programs and went to work in, or kept, good jobs.

This year 169 individuals are now employed in competitive jobs with benefits. Three others gained independence as homemakers in order to free up a family member to go to work, for a total of 172 successes. This is not just about numbers, but about each person who is able to take charge of their life, support their family, pay taxes, and give back to their community.

Everyone is encouraged to view the list of jobs and employers.  The list is always exciting because it illustrates in what an unlimited range of professions individuals who are blind or visually impaired succeed.  It also shows the wide variety of employers who benefit from qualified employees who are blind or visually impaired.

It is interesting that out of this year’s 172, three (3) are self-employment/ small business start-ups. Ninety-five (95) are new employment outcomes. Sixty-eight (68) are individuals who were able to the gain the skills, assistive technology, and confidence needed to keep their jobs. This includes two individuals, age 84, who now work competitively as an electrical engineer and an installation helper.

More details of DSB’s customer achievements will be available in the coming weeks.